pack leader

How do I stop my dog from…!

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you were desperately trying to stop your dog from doing something on the leash but they were too excited to listen? It can be like shouting at a train going at full speed to stop! Often it’s a nightmare–owners shouting and dragging their dog, people watching and […]

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Your Dog Wants YOU…to Be the Pack Leader

In this post I want to explain two very important facts about your dog… The first is about whether or not you really need to be the pack leader. And the second is whether the pack leader is aggressive in their behavior. For example, is it necessary to beat your chest, shout, and smack your […]

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The Biggest And Costliest Mistake Puppy Owners Make

Don’t make the mistake that so many puppy owners are making today. This mistake is far too common and far too serious to ignore. I received this email yesterday and I decided that it was too important for me not to share with you, because it could save you from a lot of heartache and […]

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Become The Pack Leader

Of all the questions that people ask, “how to become the pack leader” is the big one! This is by far the most important question–how to convince your dog that you are the person in charge. Think of the pack leader as the decision maker – where you should go on the walk, how to […]

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